Phd in:

Marine science

Build capacity for research in the wide spectrum maritime field.

about the phd program:


The National School of the Merchant Marine “Almirante Miguel Grau”, responsible for the professional training of seafarers, as well as their expertise through their Master's “Maritime Administration, Port and Fishing” and “Management Shipping company”, today introduced the maritime community the opportunity to strengthen their studies through the PHD Program IN MARINE SCIENCES.


The Rulers of the country, designing policies and strategies for the best use of the marine environment, both in the exploitation of hydro-biological resources, in the extraction of hydrocarbons, mineral resources of the seabed and in the installation of platforms aquatic; in like manner, designing policies for the development of maritime transportation, national and international levels, the main tool to establish itself as a key pathway and convenience of transit in the development and increase of trade.


In consequence, the start of this Phd program is more relevant for the current situation of Peru and projected a future interest to graduates of Master's degrees related to the various activities related to the trade, logistics, transport, etc, which need to consolidate their skills, contributing to the strategic decision-making and the design of government policies.

Currently, it has the international certification ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management and the Bachelor of the Country Brand in Peru, which guarantee the service quality and international reputation.

Develops capacities for research

in the grand spectrum-maritime



Researcher in the areas of knowledge in maritime, port and fishing, with enough capacity to analyze and recommend strategies, enabling an efficient business management in the maritime field, public or private.

Your high score allows you to establish itself as a Director or Advisor in strategic fields, assessing the various scenarios in our country and its global environment.


Offering professionals the opportunity to deepen, enrich knowledge and to build capacity for research in the wide spectrum maritime field.


The methodology of teaching for our Doctoral Program in Marine Sciences is a face-to-face, with active participation, presentations, discussions, academic activities, individual and group.

Directed to:

To graduates of a Master's degree Program in related areas, that have an interest in research in the marine sciences and/or the teaching in this field of knowledge.

Will be able to register and apply to the Phd Program in Marine Sciences, applicants who meet the academic requirements and administrative set.

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Our values:

Sense of urgency

Actuar enfocado con los resultados hasta el cumplimento de los objetivos.

Our values:


Difundir los resultados de la gestión con veracidad y responsabilidad.

Our values:

Justice and equity

La justicia es un conjunto de valores esenciales sobre los cuales debe basarse una sociedad. En un sentido formal, es el conjunto de normas que rigen la conducta de las personas e instituciones.

La equidad es ser imparcial para reconocer el derecho de cada persona, una aplicación justa del derecho. Es el complemento a la justicia ciega, que brinda adecuadas oportunidades a todos los miembros de una comunidad, considerando las particulares diferencias entre ellos.

Our values:

Authority and leadership

La autoridad es la facultad o potestad de gobernar o ejercer el mando. Es el derecho a dar órdenes y la cualidad de que éstas se cumplan.

El liderazgo es la cualidad de influir en el comportamiento de otras personas para conseguir un objetivo común, en cualquier contexto de interacción social. No hay liderazgo sin seguidores.

Our values:


Es el valor moral positivo de quien busca y expresa siempre la verdad. Ser veraz es ser sincero, honesto, franco y tener buena fe. Es lo opuesto a ser mentiroso, hipócrita o falso.

Our values:


Sentimiento de respeto y fidelidad hacia una persona, compromiso, comunidad, organización, principios morales, entre otros. El término proviene del latin “legalis” que significa “respeto a la ley”.

Our values:


Es una obligación contraída de manera voluntaria para alcanzar un objetivo, tanto particular como colectivo. Tiene relación con una promesa personal hacia una persona o un hecho en particular.

Our values:


Es la cualidad de quien tiene entereza moral, rectitud y honradez en la conducta y en el comportamiento. En general, una persona íntegra es alguien en quien se puede confiar, aquella que no cambia sus principios según su conveniencia.