National school of the Merchant Marine

"Almirante Miguel Grau"

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Institutional Presentation

The National School of the Merchant Marine “Almirante Miguel Grau”, is a centre for higher studies with 50 years of history, part of the Defense sector, recognized by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as one of the centers of maritime training and most important of the region.

Currently, it has the international certificates ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management and Health at Work and the Degree of the Country Brand in Peru, which guarantee the service quality and the international prestige of the same.

"Training Professionals of the Maritime Activity to the Peru and the World,"


Training of professionals of both sexes in the specialties of the Merchant Navy, Fishing and Navigation, Management, Maritime and Port security, Engineering, Shipbuilding and other required by the aquatic environment, both at the level of the vessels of the ground infrastructure and related organizations, as well as the improvement of the professional maritime by the post-graduate education and training of professionals and technicians sea through the training courses and update, providing professional titles, academic degrees, diplomas and certificates, as appropriate, with the aim of contributing with the maritime interests and the national development.


Be the Center of Maritime Training benchmark in the region and a leader in training, development and updating of professionals nautical and port.


At the end point of the lethargy
At the start of a day of sun
Peru looks birth on breast
The cadet merchant without couple.

Miguel Grau, in the sky is a witness
To your name give us protection and
Before he Co juremos
Of your life to learn the lesson.

From the classroom to the sea walk
With a desire to always succeed
And tomorrow the world show
The merchant peruvian is better.

Endless horizons await us
Very soon surquemos the sea
And to the fierce challenge to respond
With work, efficiency and value.


Merchant Marines
march for america
that marching together
with the step equal to,

very strong we will be
and without being defeated
soon we will reach
nuestro gran ideal.

In our career
dangers we raffle,
that the sea is not always
quiet and blue,
the face of the danger
we sacrifice
and in the sea let
our youth.

By our Merchant Marine, us
worthy of one to another latitude
let's fight for it
and so we do
it is the greatest thing that has the Peru.

Forming from 1970

The National School of the Merchant Marine “Almirante Miguel Grau”, is a centre for higher studies with 50 years of history, part of the Defense sector, recognized by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as one of the centers of maritime training and most important of the region.

Ex Directors

César Meza Gallegos – C. N. (2021)

Marco Nicolini, The Castle C. N. (r) (2019-2020)

Jean Pierre Francois Jauregüy Robinson C. N. (r) (2016-2018)

Colver Eduardo Ruiz Roa, C. N. (r) (2016)

Fernando Valeriano Ferrer Gonzales, C. N. (r) (2014-2015)

EduardoCochella Maldonado, C. N. (r) (2012-2013)

PercySuazo of the Eagle, C. N. (r) (2011)

Francisco Yábar Acuña C. N. (2009-2010)

Luis López de Vinatea C. N. (2006-2008)

Luis Torres Koch C. N. (r) (2004-2005)

Our values:

Sense of urgency

Actuar enfocado con los resultados hasta el cumplimento de los objetivos.

Our values:


Difundir los resultados de la gestión con veracidad y responsabilidad.

Our values:

Justice and equity

La justicia es un conjunto de valores esenciales sobre los cuales debe basarse una sociedad. En un sentido formal, es el conjunto de normas que rigen la conducta de las personas e instituciones.

La equidad es ser imparcial para reconocer el derecho de cada persona, una aplicación justa del derecho. Es el complemento a la justicia ciega, que brinda adecuadas oportunidades a todos los miembros de una comunidad, considerando las particulares diferencias entre ellos.

Our values:

Authority and leadership

La autoridad es la facultad o potestad de gobernar o ejercer el mando. Es el derecho a dar órdenes y la cualidad de que éstas se cumplan.

El liderazgo es la cualidad de influir en el comportamiento de otras personas para conseguir un objetivo común, en cualquier contexto de interacción social. No hay liderazgo sin seguidores.

Our values:


Es el valor moral positivo de quien busca y expresa siempre la verdad. Ser veraz es ser sincero, honesto, franco y tener buena fe. Es lo opuesto a ser mentiroso, hipócrita o falso.

Our values:


Sentimiento de respeto y fidelidad hacia una persona, compromiso, comunidad, organización, principios morales, entre otros. El término proviene del latin “legalis” que significa “respeto a la ley”.

Our values:


Es una obligación contraída de manera voluntaria para alcanzar un objetivo, tanto particular como colectivo. Tiene relación con una promesa personal hacia una persona o un hecho en particular.

Our values:


Es la cualidad de quien tiene entereza moral, rectitud y honradez en la conducta y en el comportamiento. En general, una persona íntegra es alguien en quien se puede confiar, aquella que no cambia sus principios según su conveniencia.