Academic program

Administration Maritime and port

Your future is here, study the career that moves the world.

about the national school merchant navy

“almirante miguel graU”

The National School of the Merchant Marine “Almirante Miguel Grau”, is a center for higher education with 51 years of history, part of the Defense sector, and recognized by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as one of the centers of maritime training and most important of the region.

Currently, it has the international certification ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management and the Bachelor of the Country Brand in Peru, which guarantee the service quality and international reputation.


With Projection

The administrative area is a fundamental part in all the activities and operational management in a company in the maritime industry and port, it is for this reason that this professional can enter the labour market easily.

The evolution of maritime transport at the global level, as well as the port development, the growth of international trade of Peru and other countries through free trade agreements (FTA), make it necessary to require the presence of a professional in this field for an efficient transportation.

Our values:





Authority and Leadership

Justice and Equity


Sense of urgency

We train professionals in the field

maritime and port


Maritime and Port

Administrators maritime and port will have the capacity to lead and make decisions at the regional, national, and international companies in the maritime sector, maritime and port; and you will be prepared to work in competitive environments, exerting activities management, negotiation, and leadership related to international operations commercial and economic.

Area of work:

The administrative area form an essential part in all the activities of a company in the Maritime Industry and Port, it is for this reason that this professional can enter the labour market easily, especially in Shipping Agencies, Agencies maritime Brokerage, Agencies, Customs, Maritime Fishing and Shipbuilding.



Professional title of bachelor of business Administration with major in the field of Maritime and Port according to the Law N° 30220 of the 09.07.2014 – Law College


Download Curriculum

To enter the National School of Marina Mercante “Almirante Miguel Grau”, is required to approve the requirements of the Admission application and occupy a place in the box of Merit End, according to the number of vacancies declared.

Modes of entry

  • Through the Center PRE ENAMM, and must reach a vacancy in the box of merit end.
  • Through the process of admission of ordinary, having to reach a vacancy in the box of merit end.
  • Third and fifth top.
  • Athlete Qualified.
  • Baccalaureate Abroad.
  • Transfer internal and external.
  • Complementation academic.
  • Professional title or academic degree.
  • People with disabilities according to the Law N° 29973.


  • Have completed satisfactorily the studies of secondary education in the country.
  • You have cancelled the payment for the right of exams to the account of the ENAMM on the Bank of the Nation.
  • Submit a single copy of the ID card.
  • 02 passport-size photos.

Our values:

Sense of urgency

Actuar enfocado con los resultados hasta el cumplimento de los objetivos.

Our values:


Difundir los resultados de la gestión con veracidad y responsabilidad.

Our values:

Justice and equity

La justicia es un conjunto de valores esenciales sobre los cuales debe basarse una sociedad. En un sentido formal, es el conjunto de normas que rigen la conducta de las personas e instituciones.

La equidad es ser imparcial para reconocer el derecho de cada persona, una aplicación justa del derecho. Es el complemento a la justicia ciega, que brinda adecuadas oportunidades a todos los miembros de una comunidad, considerando las particulares diferencias entre ellos.

Our values:

Authority and leadership

La autoridad es la facultad o potestad de gobernar o ejercer el mando. Es el derecho a dar órdenes y la cualidad de que éstas se cumplan.

El liderazgo es la cualidad de influir en el comportamiento de otras personas para conseguir un objetivo común, en cualquier contexto de interacción social. No hay liderazgo sin seguidores.

Our values:


Es el valor moral positivo de quien busca y expresa siempre la verdad. Ser veraz es ser sincero, honesto, franco y tener buena fe. Es lo opuesto a ser mentiroso, hipócrita o falso.

Our values:


Sentimiento de respeto y fidelidad hacia una persona, compromiso, comunidad, organización, principios morales, entre otros. El término proviene del latin “legalis” que significa “respeto a la ley”.

Our values:


Es una obligación contraída de manera voluntaria para alcanzar un objetivo, tanto particular como colectivo. Tiene relación con una promesa personal hacia una persona o un hecho en particular.

Our values:


Es la cualidad de quien tiene entereza moral, rectitud y honradez en la conducta y en el comportamiento. En general, una persona íntegra es alguien en quien se puede confiar, aquella que no cambia sus principios según su conveniencia.