Policy of personal data

In compliance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data N° 29733, with RUC , (hereinafter ), makes their knowledge to the privacy policy and handling of personal data, that at all times you will find that the treatment of the same is legitimate, controlled, and reported, in order to ensure privacy of the same.

Dicha política es de aplicación a toda la información ingresada a través de NUESTRO sitio web  o formularios que sea de pertenencia del sitio web mencionados (en adelante se le denominará a todos en su conjunto, el “Sitio Web”).

Through the use of the Website, the user gives his informed consent, prior, free, express and indefinite, and expressly authorizes to collect, record, organize, store, retain, develop, modify, retrieve, consult, use, block, delete, communicate by bank transfer or by diffusion or any other form of processing that facilitates access, correlation or combination of your personal data, as well as its incorporation into databases that are managed or owned by , and in general to make use of and carry out the treatment of the personal data that you provide, as well as the information derived from their use and of any public information, or which could collect it from sources accessible to the public.

The user of this Website gives your consent to the transfer, the national or international level, the personal data to a third party, whether linked or not in order to be able to host, store, process, and run the Information of the User. According to the current regulations, it is understood that by clicking the bar “send to “hire”, “subscribe”, “ok”, “apply” and/or any other similar definition, as well as only with the act of providing your data, or to browse the Web Site, the owner of the data has expressed its consent to the terms set out above.

The user understands that the consent and authorization mentioned above are essential for that to be able to provide the offered service, so in case manifested his refusal, you can exclude it from your database or give you lower your registry or database, in order not to affect the normal development of their activities.

The data recorded on the Website will be subject to automated processing and incorporated into our database, where shall be the holder and responsible. All data collected will be used by in advisory activities, e-newsletters, promotion of services and other activities promoted by .

In addition, your User Information may be transferred or shared with third-party companies not related so that can contact and provide the User with any information in respect of legal services.

Users can request, rectify, cancel and update your information, they guarantee and vouch for the veracity and authenticity of the information provided.

  • In case you want to delete your account can be communicated through e-mail .
  • For any questions or further inquiries please contact the following email .

Our values:

Sense of urgency

Actuar enfocado con los resultados hasta el cumplimento de los objetivos.

Our values:


Difundir los resultados de la gestión con veracidad y responsabilidad.

Our values:

Justice and equity

La justicia es un conjunto de valores esenciales sobre los cuales debe basarse una sociedad. En un sentido formal, es el conjunto de normas que rigen la conducta de las personas e instituciones.

La equidad es ser imparcial para reconocer el derecho de cada persona, una aplicación justa del derecho. Es el complemento a la justicia ciega, que brinda adecuadas oportunidades a todos los miembros de una comunidad, considerando las particulares diferencias entre ellos.

Our values:

Authority and leadership

La autoridad es la facultad o potestad de gobernar o ejercer el mando. Es el derecho a dar órdenes y la cualidad de que éstas se cumplan.

El liderazgo es la cualidad de influir en el comportamiento de otras personas para conseguir un objetivo común, en cualquier contexto de interacción social. No hay liderazgo sin seguidores.

Our values:


Es el valor moral positivo de quien busca y expresa siempre la verdad. Ser veraz es ser sincero, honesto, franco y tener buena fe. Es lo opuesto a ser mentiroso, hipócrita o falso.

Our values:


Sentimiento de respeto y fidelidad hacia una persona, compromiso, comunidad, organización, principios morales, entre otros. El término proviene del latin “legalis” que significa “respeto a la ley”.

Our values:


Es una obligación contraída de manera voluntaria para alcanzar un objetivo, tanto particular como colectivo. Tiene relación con una promesa personal hacia una persona o un hecho en particular.

Our values:


Es la cualidad de quien tiene entereza moral, rectitud y honradez en la conducta y en el comportamiento. En general, una persona íntegra es alguien en quien se puede confiar, aquella que no cambia sus principios según su conveniencia.